LEGO EV3 specific blocks

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Specialized blocks for LEGO EV3 are divided into several categories:

  1. Action — blocks that perform some action on the robot: turn on motors, play sound, etc.

  2. Waiting — units waiting for some event to occur: certain sensor readings, button presses, etc.

  3. Drawings on the display — blocks used to display graphics and text on the screen

  4. Line Leader — blocks for the advanced "Line Leader" sensor.

For the blocks available for all platforms, see the article "Common Blocks".

Action blocks

Send Message to Thread

Sends this message to the parallel task with the specified identifier (the identifier must be specified when creating the task in the "Fork" block).

The message can be any expression.


Play a fixed-frequency sound on the robot.


  1. Whether to wait for the sound to end or go straight to the next block. Valid values are "true", "false".

  2. Playback volume.

Play Tone

Play the sound on the robot at a given frequency and duration. Аналогичен блоку «Гудок», но позволяет также задавать параметры звука.


  • Frequency (Hz).

  • Duration (ms).

  • Whether to wait for the sound to end or go to the next block immediately. Valid values - true, false.

  • Playback volume (from 0 to 100%).

Motors Forward

Turn on the motors on the set ports with the set power. The ports are set by the letters A, B, or C, separated by commas.

The power is set as a percentage by a number from -100 to 100, if a negative value is set, the motor turns on in reverse mode.

The motors have different modes of operation: braking mode and sliding mode (indicated by a red or green rectangle on the block, respectively). The modes affect the way the motor responds to a command - braking mode stops the motor when shut down, the sliding mode allows the motor to crank through its inertia.

Motors Backward

Turn on the motors in reversing mode on the set ports with the set power. The parameters are the same as for the "Motors Forward" block.

Stop Motors

Turn off the motors on the specified ports.

Clear Encoder

Reset the number of motor revolutions.


Set the color of the LED on the front of the robot.

Send Mail

Send an email to another robot. If the recipient's name is not filled in, the message will be sent to all connected robots.

Calibrate Gyroscope

Sets the gyroscope to 0 at the current position.

Start Compass Calibration

Starts the compass calibration programmatically. To calibrate the compass, the robot must turn in place more than 540° in one direction and then in the opposite direction. After the turns, the "Stop Compass Calibration" block must be added.

Stop Compass Calibration

Finishes the compass calibration. The calibration result is returned in a variable. A nonzero result means a successful calibration.

Read RGB into Variables

Read RGB in a variable.

Waiting Blocks

Receive Message from Thread

Wait to receive a message from another parallel task.

When a message is received, it will be assigned to the variable specified in the block.

The "Wait for message" property allows you to specify what to do if the message queue is empty: wait for a new message to arrive or continue working by assigning an empty string to the variable.

The message is automatically converted to the same type as the receiver variable. For example, if you send a number as a string, it will be accepted as a number.

Wait for Touch Sensor

Wait until the touch sensor is triggered.

The parameter specifies the number of the port to which the sensor is connected. Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Wait for Encoder

Wait until the RPM counter reading on the specified motor reaches the RPM Limit value specified in the "RPM Limit" parameter value.


  1. Port - the name of the port to which the motor is connected (A, B, or C).

  2. Read value - the operation that will be used for comparison with the entered RPM limit.

  3. RPM limit.

Wait for Color

Wait for the color sensor in color recognition mode to return the specified color.


  1. Color.

  2. Port - the number of the port to which the color sensor is connected.

Wait for Color Intensity

Wait until the value returned by the color sensor on the specified port is comparable to the value specified in the Intensity parameter.


  1. Intensity (0 to 100%).

  2. Port - number of the port to which the color sensor is connected.

  3. Read value - the operation that will be used to compare with the entered intensity.

Wait for Light

Wait until the value returned by the light sensor on the specified port is comparable to the value specified in the Percentage parameter.


  1. Percentages (from 0 to 100%).

  2. Port - the number of the port to which the color sensor is connected.

  3. Read value - the operation that will be used to compare with the Percent value.

Wait for Range Sensor

Wait until the distance returned by the ultrasonic distance sensor is comparable to that specified in the Distance parameter value.


  1. Distance (in centimeters, from 0 to 255).

  2. Port - number of the port to which the distance sensor is connected.

  3. Read value - the operation that will be used for comparison with the entered distance.

Wait for Button

Wait for the button on the robot body to be pressed.

Wait for Sound Sensor

Wait until the volume read by the microphone on the specified port is above or below the set value.

Wait for Gyroscope

Wait until the value returned by the gyroscope on the specified port is comparable to the value specified in the "Value" parameter.

Wait for Mail Receiving

Saves a message from another robot to a given variable. If there is no message, the robot waits for the message to arrive if the flag is set. Otherwise, the variable is set to the default value.

Drawing on the display

Prints the specified line at the specified location on the robot's screen.

The default value of the Text property is treated as a pure string, and it will be displayed that way. To make the system assume that this is a textual expression (which can be useful, for example, when debugging variable values), check the "Calculate" checkbox in the Property Editor.

Clear Screen

Erase everything that is drawn on the screen.

Draw Rectangle

Draw a rectangle on the screen.


  1. X, Y - coordinates of the upper left corner.

  2. The width of the rectangle.

  3. The height of the rectangle.

  4. Update the picture (true or false).

Draw Pixel

Draw a point on the screen at the specified coordinates.

Draw Line

Draw a segment on the screen.


  1. X1, Y1 - coordinates of the beginning of the segment.

  2. X2, Y2 - coordinates of the end of the segment.

  3. Update the picture (true or false).

Draw Circle

Draw a circle on the screen with a given center and a given radius.


  1. X, Y - coordinates of the center of the circle.

  2. The radius of the circle.

  3. Update the picture (true or false).

Line Leader

Calibrate White

Calibrates the white threshold for the sensor. Must be on white.

Calibrate Black

Calibrates the black threshold for the sensor. Should be on black.

Calibrate PID

Sets the sensor setpoint (middle of the sensor above the line), P/(P factor), I/(I factor), D/(D factor).

Sleep Line Leader

Sets the line sensor to power save mode.

Wake Up Line Leader

Includes a line sensor for operation.

Read Average to Variable

Reads the weighted average value into a variable.

The value is calculated within the sensor, where each of the eight sensors is taken with a factor, and the average is calculated.

A value between 0 and 80 is expected (-1 is an error).

Read Sensor to Array

Read values from the sensor (eight values). Values from 0 to 100. 0 is black, 100 is white.

Read Steering to Variable

Reads the control value into a variable. The value is calculated inside the sensor and can be used immediately for motors.

A value from -100 to 100 is expected (-101 is an error).

Last updated