Uploading programs to several TRIK robots from VSCode

This article discusses the possibility of simultaneous uploading of programs on a group of robots using an external text editor VSCode. The article is a continuation of the next material

Setting up

Download the send_files.cmd file for Windows and place it in the folder where TRIK Studio is installed.

The manual was tested on the January 2020 release (version 1.42). You can download VSCode from the official website.

The first time the program is launched, confirmation from the user is required to establish a connection with the robot.

To allow the connection, enter Y or Yes at the command line.

1. Open the folder with the files you want to send in VSCode using File → Open Folder.

2. SelectTerminal → Configure Tasks.

3. If there were no tasks before, then select Create tasks.json file from template → Others from the drop-down menu. The tasks.json file will be opened. If tasks were created earlier, it will be opened right after step 2.

4. Remove everything from this file and paste this code:

    "version": "2.0.0",
        "tasks": [ {
            "label": "Send files",
            "type": "shell",
            "windows": {
                "command": "C:\\TRIKStudio\\send_files.cmd  <path to scripts dir> <file with ip addresses>"
            "group": "test",
            "presentation": {
                "reveal": "always",
                "panel": "new"


  • <path to scripts dir> is the full path to the folder with programs that must be uploaded on robots,

  • <file with ip addresses> is the name of the .txt file that contains the ip-addresses of robots for downloading files. One ip-address per line.

5. In the line corresponding to the "windows": {"command" field specify the path to the send_files.cmd file. The file with the IP addresses of the robots must be in the same folder as the programs to be sent. For example:

"command": "C:\TRIKStudio\send_files.cmd C:\Users\Admin\myfiles ip_addr.txt"

6. Save the file tasks.json.

7. Now select Send filesin the dropdown menu Terminal → Run Taskor press the corresponding keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+B) to upload programs to the robots.

Last updated