Class «objectSensor»

Camera in object sensor mode. Captures a contrasting object in the center of the frame and returns its coordinates and size in the frame.



Detects the dominant color in the center of the frame and remembers it as the color of the object.

Switches the camcorder on and initializes it in object sensor mode.

Returns an array with the X coordinate of the object center relative to the center of the frame, the Y coordinate of the object center relative to the center of the frame, and the relative size of the object.

Turns off the camera and stops the sensor.


Detects the dominant color in the center of the frame and remembers it as the color of the object. After that, the "read" method starts to return data for the object.




Switches the camcorder on and initializes it in object sensor mode. The boolean parameter determines whether to display the image from the camera (true — display).



The boolean parameter defines whether to display the image from the camera:

  • true — output,

  • false — don't output.


Returns an array that contains the following data in its cells:

  • In the zero cell, the X-axis coordinate of the object center relative to the center of the frame (-100 to 100, -100 is the center of the object on the edge of the frame on the left);

  • The Y-coordinate of the object's center relative to the frame center (from -100 to 100, -100 is the center of the object on the frame edge at the top);

  • The second cell is the relative size of the object, a number from 0 to 100 (100 - the object occupies almost the entire frame, 0 - the object is not on the frame).




Turns off the camera and stops the sensor.



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