Class «colorSensor»

This article is automatically translated from Russian by Google Translator.

The camera in color sensor mode.


Turns the camera on and initializes it in color sensor mode.



The boolean parameter defines whether to display the image from the camera:

  • true — output,

  • false — do not output


Returns an array with the coordinates of the dominant color in the RGB color scale in the specified area of the frame.

The frame is divided into squares by a grid, by default 3 by 3, the dimensionality of the grid can be set in model-config.xml on the robot. Squares are indexed from 1. That is, (1, 1) is the upper-left edge of the frame, (2, 2) is its center.

The return value is an array of three elements from 0 to 255, indexed from 0. The zero element contains the intensity of red (0 - none at all, 255 - very much), the first - the intensity of green, the second - the intensity of blue. For example, (0, 0, 0) is black, (255, 255, 255) is white, (255, 0, 0) is red.


brick.colorSensor("video1").read(x, y);

As a parameter, it is necessary to specify the indices of the square x and y.


Turns off the camera and stops the sensor.



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