Links between blocks

Links between blocks in TRIK Studio indicate the control flow of interpretation between blocks.


Let it be necessary that after the delay the program ends immediately. To do this, connect the Timer and End blocks with a link pointing from the "Timer" block to the program end block.

Links can be created in two ways:

Using mouse gestures

Hover over a block, hold down the right mouse button and draw a line to the second block. The line shape can be arbitrary. It is important that it starts strictly on one block and ends on the second.

If you move the mouse cursor over the link, gray markers are displayed at its ends. By pulling on one of these markers, you can control the link. To attach one of the ends of the connection to the block, you need to pull the corresponding gray marker and release it on the block of interest.

Using linkers

If you drop this relationship on an existing element, these elements will be connected.

If you release the left mouse button when the cursor is on an empty section of the diagram, a menu with the following items will appear:

  • Delete

  • Create new element

When you select the "Delete" menu item, the created link will be deleted.

When you hover over the menu item "Create a new element" a new menu appears, listing all the possible elements to create. When you select one of these items on the diagram, the corresponding element will be created and join the current link.

Links are removed in the same way as blocks.

If you need to add a new block between two linked blocks, drag a block from the Palette panel to the link. Release the mouse button when you hover over a link (not a block).

Create breakpoints

Links in TRIK Studio can be broken lines. To add a breakpoint, move the mouse cursor over the link, click the left mouse button and drag the gray marker that appears.

If the breakpoint of the connection is positioned so that it and the two nearest to it will be located approximately on one straight line, this will lead to the destruction of this breakpoint and smoothing of the broken line in this place.

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