Getting started and creating a project

Create a new project and launch an existing one

Main window

After starting TRIK Studio, you will see the start page that displays the version of TRIK Studio, quick access to recent projects, and buttons for opening an existing project and creating a new one.

Project creation

To create a new project, click the "New project" button on the TRIK Studio home page.

Or select File → New project from the main menu.

A window opens with a new program in the visual programming language:

Read about programming in a visual language in the article:

Visual programming

Read about creating a new text program in the article:

Textual programming

Launch an existing project

To start an existing project, click the "Open project" button on the TRIK Studio start page.

Or in the main menu, select File → Open....

By default, TRIK Studio searches for files in the *.qrs format or the last open format (for example, *.js). If you need an existing project in a different format, select the desired format (for example, *.py) or All files (*.*).

Last updated