TRIK Studio interface

TRIK Studio modes

The TRIK Studio interface depends on the selected mode. TRIK Studio has two modes:

  1. Editing mode It is intended for creating a robot control diagram and executing it in the generation mode.

  2. Debug mode It is intended for executing and debugging a program on a 2D model or in interpretation mode on a real robot.

Switching between modes

There are three ways to switch modes:

  1. Keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+1 / Ctrl+2.

Editing mode

TRIK Studio in edit mode has the following interface elements:

Editor window/scene

The scene displays the diagram and allows you to edit it.

Read about creating a new project and working with the diagrams in the articles:

Editor mode also displays the current executable block when interpreting diagrams.

The main menu of TRIK Studio contains a set of basic operations and environment settings:

For more information, see the article:

File panel

The "File" panel repeats the main operations available from the "File" menu.

Edit panel

View panel

The View panel contains buttons that allow you to scale diagrams.

You can also zoom the scene using:

  1. Hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel.

  2. Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+= и Ctrl+-.

Interpreter panel

The Interpreter panel contains the commands for starting and stopping the execution of a program, buttons for switching interpretation modes between a two-dimensional model and a real robot, as well as a button for opening robot settings available from the Tools menu.

When working with a real robot in interpretation mode, this panel also contains a "Connect" button.

Generators panel

The commands in this panel change depending on the program configuration.

The Generators panel contains commands for generating code and loading the program to the robot.

"Other" panel

"Other" panel may contain various information depending on the chosen platform.

For example, for the TRIK kit this panel displays the IP address of the controller to which you are connecting.

Panel for switching between editing and debugging modes

The panel for mode switching displays the current TRIK Studio mode and allows you to switch between editing and debugging modes.

Property editor panel

The property editor is used to display and edit the property values ​​of selected objects (blocks, links).

About working with the property editor see article:

Sensors settings panel

Sensor settings allow you to specify which sensors are used on which port. The same can be done from the robot settings dialog.

Available set of sensors depends on the selected platform in the settings on the Robots tab.

Palette panel

The Palette panel contains a set of available blocks and the relationships between them, which can be added to the diagram.

  1. The composition of the palette may vary depending on the platform selected in the settings.

  2. Blocks that are not available in the selected execution model (2D model or on a real robot) are highlighted in gray.

How to add and remove blocks to the scene in TRIK Studio read in the article:

Variables panel

Displays the list of variables used when executing the diagram with their current values, including sensor variables. When executed in the interpretation mode on a two-dimensional model or a real robot, they are taken from the robot in real-time. Not used in the generation mode.

Status bar

The status bar displays the current TRIK Studio mode (editing or debugging) and allows you to switch between modes. To switch between them, just click on the status bar.

Debug mode

The elements of the TRIK Studio interface in debug mode repeat the elements in edit mode, except for the editor window, property editor panels and palette. Instead of these elements, the next elements are displayed:

2D model window

The 2D model window opens if a 2D model is selected as the program execution mode.

The window allows you to set the environment in which the robot will be executed, set the robot sensors and observe how the program written in edit mode will work.

Read more about the 2D model in the article:

In the Interpretation and Generation modes for the real robot, this window is not displayed, an executable diagram is displayed instead.

Robot settings panel

The robot settings panel displays the type of controller and robot parameters that depend on the selected platform.

Opening robot settings panel

Error panel

In the case of syntactic and semantic errors in the TRIK Studio, a window with the corresponding messages appears.

To view the block where the error occurred, click on the message.

Plots panel

The Plots window displays the values sent by the sensors in real-time.

Read more in the article:

Last updated