TRIK Studio language operators
Binary operators
Title | Title | Title |
+ | Addition | Applicable to real and integer values. The result is an integer if both arguments are integer, otherwise real. |
- | Subtraction | Applicable to real and integer values. The result is an integer if both arguments are integer, otherwise real. |
* | Multiplication | Applicable to real and integer values. The result is an integer if both arguments are integer, otherwise real. |
/ | Division | Applicable to real and integer values. The result is real. |
// | Integer division | Applicable to integer values. The result is an integer. |
^ | Power | Applicable to real and integer values. The result is real. |
% | Remainder of the division | Applicable to integer values. The result is an integer. |
& | Bitwise "and" | Applicable to integer values. The result is an integer. |
| | Bitwise "or" | Applicable to integer values. The result is an integer. |
>>, << | Bitwise left and right shift | Applicable to integer values. The result is an integer. |
.. | Concatenation | Applicable to string values. The result is a string. |
>=, >, <, <= | Comparison operations | Applicable to integer and real values. The result is boolean. |
== | Equality check | Applicable to any type of value. The result is boolean. |
~=, !=, '~=', '!=' | Inequality check | Applicable to any type of value. The result is boolean. All notations are equal. |
and, && | Logical "and" | Applicable to integer, real and boolean types. The result is boolean. All notations are equal. |
or, || | Logical "or" | Applicable to integer, real and boolean types. The result is boolean. All notations are equal. |
Unary operators
Title | Title | Title |
- | Arithmetic unary minus | Applicable to integer and real values. The result is an integer or real (depending on the type of argument). |
~ | Bitwise "not" | Applicable to integer values. The result is an integer. |
not | Logical "not" | Applies to boolean, integer, real, and string values, the result is boolean (0 or an empty string is considered false, everything else is true). |
# | Length operator | Applicable to string values. The result is an integer. |
Assignment operator
It has the following form:
variable1, variable2, …, variableN = expression1, expression2, …, expressionN
In its simplest form variable = expression
Return operator
It is written as an expression and should be at the end of the statement block.
Empty operator
Written as ;
A statement block with two assignment operators and a return operator:
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